MySQL Connector | Connect Python and MySQL using MySQL Connector

To install python connector Open 
cmd and type pip install mysql-connector-python

Ø  A connector is employed when we have to use MySQL with other programming languages.

Ø  The work of mysql-connector is to provide access to MySQL Driver to the required language. Thus, it generates a connection between the programming language and the MySQL Server.

Ø  Python MySQL Connector is a Python driver that helps to integrate Python and MySQL. This Python MySQL library allows the conversion between Python and MySQL data types.

# Python program to connect to mysql database

import mysql.connector

# Connecting from the server

conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='root',host = 'localhost',database = 'raisdb',password='Mysql_Server@312')


dict = {

'Name': 'Online Smart Trainer', 'ID': 'LRDS1605016','College Name': 'LIET'





if conn.is_connected():

    print("Connection is established....")


print("Addition of numbers", a+b)

# Disconnecting from the server


 Save Above program in notepad file with .py extension

Open Python IDLE (3.11 64-bit) >>> File >>> Open >>> run




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