Transmission Modes | Data Flow in Computer Network

Ø  Transmission mode refers to the mechanism of transferring of data between two devices connected over a network.
Ø   It is also called Communication Mode. 
Ø  These modes direct the direction of flow of information. 
Ø  There are three types of transmission modes. They are:


Ø  In this type of transmission mode, data can be sent only in one direction i.e. communication is unidirectional. We cannot send a message back to the sender.
Ø  Unidirectional communication is done in Simplex Systems where we just need to send a command/signal, and do not expect any response back.
Ø  Examples of simplex Mode are loudspeakers, television broadcasting,  keyboard and monitor etc.

Ø  Half-duplex data transmission means that data can be transmitted in both directions on a signal carrier, but not at the same time.
Ø  For example, in a local area network, one workstation can send data on the line and then immediately receive data on the line from the other direction. 
Ø  Example of half duplex is a walkie- talkie in which message is sent one at a time but messages are sent in both the directions.


Ø  In full duplex system we can send data in both the directions as it is bidirectional at the same time in other words, data can be sent in both directions simultaneously.
Ø  Example of Full Duplex is a Telephone Network in which there is communication between two persons by a telephone line, using which both can talk and listen at the same time.
Ø  In full duplex system there can be two lines one for sending the data and the other for receiving data.


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